Leveraging Leadership

with Amy Burkett

Unlocking Solutions: Tips for Effective Problem Solving growth growth mindset leadership leadership tips personal growth problem solving problems solving advice tips for young leaders problem solving Jul 21, 2024

When people ask me what I do for a living I say I’m a professional problem solver.  That’s what all leaders do…don’t they solve problems?  Effective problem...

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Stop Waiting for Easy: Accept the Hard accountability advice courageous leadership leadership advice problem solving Mar 24, 2024

Here’s a newsflash, “being a leader is hard.”  Ok, you probably already knew that.  Leadership is often romanticized as a journey of triumphs and successes, but seasoned...

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Navigating the Turnover Tsunami: A hiring Guide for Leaders advice business building career navigation change management courageous leadership hiring guide intentional living leadership leadership advice problem solving professional growth Feb 25, 2024

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had more turnover in my organization in the last year than I’ve seen in the last 20 years. Hiring isn’t easy.  It’s part science...

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What Makes Great Teammates Great accountability business building career goals change culture growth improvement leadership making a positive impact positive solutions problem solving professional growth wisdom work solutions Sep 09, 2023

In sports and at the office these days we tend to hear all about the MVP’s.  Most valuable players tend to get all the attention, but research shows MVP’s get there because...

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The Four Types of Prickly People communication growth interpersonal communication leadership making a positive impact problem solving wisdom Aug 10, 2023

How do you go from wanting to punch someone to loving them at work? The secret is understanding the four types of prickly people and learning the strategies of how to work with them. ...

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How Fear Holds You Back career goals fear growth leadership overcoming positive solutions problem solving professional growth Jul 29, 2023

Let’s be honest with each other for a few minutes.  Everyone is afraid of something and likely several things.  Fear is one of the most powerful forces on Earth.  It affects...

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Tips to Reduce Office Gossip leadership making a positive impact office gossip positive solutions problem solving work solutions Jul 09, 2023

Have you ever wondered why gossip spreads so quickly in offices?  I have and I finally did some research and found the most interesting answer that’s actually based in science. ...

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