Leveraging Leadership

with Amy Burkett

Why Your Business Needs Subtraction #achieveyourgoals #betteryourself #businessadvice #businesssubtraction #getstartedtoday #goaldriven #goals #growth #leadershipadvice #leadershipcoaching #mindulness #personalgrowth #professionaldevelopment #subtraction #thepowerofless accountability Feb 01, 2025
As leaders, we’re often told that success comes from doing more—more projects, more meetings, more strategies, more everything. But what if the real key to success isn’t addition,...
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The Art of Rethinking: Embracing a Scientist Mindset #achieveyourgoals #bethebestyou #betteryourself #freshstart #goals #growth #leadershipadvice #leadershipcoaching #mindulness #motivation #personalgrowth #professionaldevelopment #thinklikeascientist #thrivingin2025 Jan 11, 2025

How’d you do in art class when you were in school? I was just average, but I loved being creative and learning new things.  I remember making dolls out of socks, sewing a denim jumper in...

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