Fighting Your Fear of Failure
Apr 11, 2023It might be hard for you to remember when your fear of failure actually set in. For a lot of us it was elementary school. That’s when we learned there would be nothing worse than failing a test and that fear kept growing as we grew and the stakes got higher.
Fast forward and you're an adult who might be playing it safe, not willing to go after what you really want in life because you’re afraid of failing or you're trying to get over a past failure. I call failure the Dirty F-Word and I’ve spent the last two years writing a book to empower you to kick that fear to the curb once and for all.
I’ve interviewed a dozen of my most successful friends from around the world asking them to share powerful lessons from their greatest failures to help you break up with the belief that you can’t do what you feel called to do. Throughout the pages of my new book you’ll learn lessons from the failures of others and discover how to leverage your past failures to make you unstoppable.
Patricia Harrison, CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, shares amazing wisdom from her time working with Secretary of State Colin Powell and Mark Cole, CEO of best selling leadership author John C. Maxwell’s seven companies, teaches us how to get an R-O-F. (return on Failure) .
Warmest Wishes,